Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template

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Created: Nov 18, 2019

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

ID: 89464

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Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 1Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 2Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 3Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 4Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 5Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 6Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 7Cityscape - Construction Company Design Landing Page Template - Features Image 8

Creative Construction Company Design Landing Page Template

A construction company design landing page template is a great advertising tool for architecture & construction companies. It can make your business more successful online. With a website, you can present all your services and products most preferably. Moreover, the website is a modern business card for any type of business.

If you do not have a website, some people may doubt your professionalism. This is why you need a well-developed site. While you can create a website from scratch, using a landing page template can give you more benefits. That's why we have designed the Cityscape landing page template.

Stylish & Functional Landing Page Template

Cityscape is a well-developed landing page template for construction and architecture companies. Due to its structure, it is quite compact. Thanks to our designers' hard work, this template looks stylish and clean. It means that you can both attract clients and highlight the most valuable information. Apart from it, Cityscape also offers:

  1. Responsive slider;
  2. Gallery with impressive hover animation;
  3. Google Fonts & Google Maps;
  4. Working contact & newsletter subscription forms;
  5. Responsive & speed-optimized layout built with Bootstrap 5.

Our team designed Cityscape primarily for architecture agencies and construction companies. This is why design suits these businesses so well. But if you want to edit your website, you can always change any part of Cityscape. Feel free to use the included CSS3 animations and impressive transitions. An extensive UI kit and additional elements are also available. This construction company design landing page template also includes Sass & Pug source files.

Reliable HTML5 Landing Page for Construction Company

With Cityscape, you can create a truly reliable website. It has a fully valid W3C code that makes your website well-optimized. In case you want to keep in touch with your clients, you can do it with social options, a contact form, and a newsletter. However, some forms may require additional configuration.

To give you complete control over this template, we've composed detailed & easy-to-read documentation. It describes everything you need to know about the landing page. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to consult with our qualified support team. We will be happy to provide the best experience of using the Cityscape construction company design landing page template.


Cityscape Version 1.2 (August 23, 2023):

  • UPD: Bootstrap to 5.0.1;
  • UPD: Swiper to 5.3.1;
  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Cityscape Version 1.1 (July 26, 2022):

  • UPD: Popper.js to 2.9.2;
  • UPD: Form to 4.3.0;
  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

3 Reviews for this product

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Muy buena plantilla, facil de usar, y muy intuitiva, la recomiendo con plena confianza!
Top! Reibungsloser Ablauf, sehr übersichtlich, gutes Preis-Leistung-Verhältnis, kann mich nicht beschweren. Wie immer alles sehr gelungen bei!
В целом доволен. Красивый дизайн, все необходимое есть в коробке. Один нюанс опечалил. Нет оптимизации графики. Пришлось заморачиваться ради хорошей оценки в Google Page Speed. Все изображения прописал в теге picture с разными вариантами изображений под разные разрешения экранов, и варианты изображений под retina дисплеи. Подключил picturefill.js для более широкой поддержки браузерами и написал свой скрипт для изображений заданных через background-image, чтобы так же подгружались картинки в webp. Пришлось в общем повозиться, хотя разработчики могли бы заморочиться и добавить эти штуки в коробку, ведь без них все равно ни один сайт сейчас не обходится. Но в остальном все хорошо.

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Bootstrap Version:


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Design Software:

General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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